About Macular Degeneration
Living and Thriving
Our Grants
Caregiver’s Corner
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Living and Thriving
Low Vision Resources
Emotional Well Being
AMD Diet and Nutrition
Legal and Benefits
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Low Vision Resources
Low Vision Rehabilitation
AMD Living Video Series
Assistive Technology for Age-related Macular Degeneration
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Our Grants
Our Grants Program
Research into Age-related Macular Degeneration

Fundraising for Macular Degeneration

Many hands make light work. Do you have an idea for a fundraiser? Or would you like to crowdfund on behalf of AMDF to support our work and our mission to empower and better the lives of those impacted by macular degeneration?

If you have an idea for a fundraiser, please write to us through our contact form and put “Idea for a fundraiser” in the subject line.

If you are on Facebook, and would like to run a crowdfunding campaign, click here to get started, and then fill out the fields on the left side of the screen.

Thank you! You keep us inspired every day!