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How to Find a Doctor for Macular Degeneration

Your relationship with your eye care specialist(s) will be one of the most important relationships as you navigate your journey with macular degeneration. You want to find the right kind of doctor for your needs, feel trust with your doctor, and develop good communication.

Illustration of elderly woman leaning back while a male doctor with a face mask leans over to put drops in her eyes. Text reads, "What kind of doctor do I need to see" for macular degeneration

An overview of the types of eye care providers you may encounter to help you decide which is best for you, and what stage of macular degeneration you have. Click here for an explanation of the types of eye care doctors you might see for macular degeneration.

Once you know what kind of doctor you need to see, or where to start, how to find the right specialist in your area? Click here for a guide on how to search for specialists in your area.

Illustration of a female eye doctor with red hair conducting eye exam on male macular degeneration patient using equipment. Text above illustration reads, "Where and how to find the right eye doctor".
Illustration of male macular degeneration eye doctor with glasses holding clipboard and looking up. Thought bubbles show a lightbulb and a question mark. Text above reads, "questions to ask at your first appointment".

There are a few important questions that you should ask your doctor if you are diagnosed with macular degeneration. Click here for a printable list of questions to bring with you to your next appointment.