About Macular Degeneration
Living and Thriving
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Living and Thriving
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Emotional Well Being
AMD Diet and Nutrition
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Low Vision Resources
Low Vision Rehabilitation
AMD Living Video Series
Assistive Technology for Age-related Macular Degeneration
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Our Grants
Our Grants Program
Research into Age-related Macular Degeneration

Living and Thriving with AMD

Life with AMD can still be rewarding. Don’t wait for a cure to live and thrive! Find the tools and inspiration you need here.

Tools for Living
Assistive Technology for Age-related Macular Degeneration.

Emotional Well Being
Depression is a natural process of working through the issues of AMD. Psychiatrist Arnold Wyse, M.D. gives reassuring guidelines for understanding that process and for gauging when help is necessary.

Legal and Benefits
Patients diagnosed with macular degeneration may be protected by the ADA from the time of diagnosis regardless of the severity of their vision impairment.