Category: Uncategorized

  • What Does Bananagrams Have to do With Macular Degeneration?

    Sometimes you write a letter and nothing happens. Sometimes you write a letter and something BIG happens.   Something big happened when Dodi Peterson wrote in to BANANAGRAMS™ to ask a question on behalf of her mother, Jan, who was losing her sight to macular degeneration. “My mom loves Bananagrams and has been playing it…

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  • Macular Degeneration Cooking Safety Tips for the Holidays

    The holidays are upon us and that means lots of time spent in the kitchen. Cooking can be challenging for people with vision loss due to macular degeneration, but there’s no need to stay out of the kitchen this holiday! Here are some quick and easy tips to help you stay safe in the kitchen…

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  • AMDF Supported Researcher Receives Award at ARVO 2017

    Back in May, some members of our team attended the ARVO 2017 conference in Baltimore, MD. ARVO is The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology and is the largest eye and vision research organization in the world, and the yearly conference is the largest gathering of those researchers and doctors. Our mission in attending…

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  • Founder of Tip-n-Split, Connie Inukai

    How inventing a product to help restaurant goers with aging eyesight led her to discovering Age-Related Macular Degeneration and inspired her to give back. “I didn’t know about Macular Degeneration until I invented this product.” A few years ago, as she was approaching retirement, Connie Inukai found herself facing a challenge many do as they…

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  • Behind the Scenes of AMDF’s 2017 Feast for the Eyes Calendar

    On a sunny day back in May, a team of people came together to cook for, photograph, and design a calendar with delicious foods good for eye health. Some key people from the team that developed the AMDF cookbook, Eat Right for Your Sight, came together to create the Feast for the Eyes calendar. Jennifer Trainer Thompson…

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  • Inspiring Case History of Age-related Macular Degeneration

    A Missionary’s Approach to AMD Polly Brown takes an unusual approach to Age-related Macular Degeneration.  It isn’t an easy one, and she knows it isn’t for everyone. She believes it’s her job — perhaps even her right — to “be thankful in all circumstances.” That phrase is from the tail end of a letter from…

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