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Services and Agencies for Macular Degeneration

      This directory of care and services is for people with all levels of macular degeneration.  The American Macular Degeneration Foundation (AMDF) is a central clearinghouse for this information. We do not endorse particular doctors, services, or centers.

      Here you can find doctors as well as state agencies specializing in blindness and visual impairment. These agencies provide vocational rehabilitation, job placement services, financial assistance, transportation, mobility training, in-home services, advocacy and protection, healthcare and Medicare counseling, advice on legal matters, as well as locations of senior centers, day care programs, and referrals to other agencies.

      Low-vision centers provide services to the blind and visually impaired. Services vary but can include training in how to adapt your lifestyle to accommodate visual impairment, helping you access assistive devices, like handheld magnifiers and closed-circuit televisions (CCTVs).